How to Multiply Two-Digit Number in Few Secs and in Fast Way

How to multiply two-digit numbers in a simple fast way that we can learn in 30 seconds. As a result, these maths tricks will be so easy to learn within seconds. Firstly let’s understand this simple method of 2 digit multiplication which is a little different than the traditional method so learning will be easy as it doesn’t require so many changes to be done in how you solve the other two-digit multiplications

Let’s understand by taking an example:  36 * 29

How to multiply 36 by 29 in seconds

How to Multiply two-digit numbers in seconds

Multiplication of two-digit numbers always becomes challenging in mind. This we can overcome by learning simple tricks.

First step: Multiply sideways and write answers in 2digit format together.

                  Multiply 3 by 2 and write it as 06

                  Multiply 6 by 9 and write it as 54

Second step: Diagonal multiplication of two digits.

                       Multiply 3 by 9 and write it as 27

                       Multiply 2 by 6 and write it as 12 in the center

Third step: Add all the numbers

                     1044 is the answer.

How to multiply two-digit numbers by two steps

The first example of  74*87 is given below.

The first one represents the new method and the second one represents the traditional method.

How to multiply two-digit numbers fast method vs traditional method

The second example of Two-digit when it gives the single-digit answer

How to multiply two digits 37 by 21 in seconds

Third Example:  How to multiply when all give unit place answer

How to multiply two-digit number 21 by 32

See the above example where we multiply 21 by 32. Sideways multiplication of 2 and 3 result is 6 but we need to write in two-digit format i.e 06, multiplication of 1 and 2 is 2 which we write it as two-digit format i.e 02.

The same holds good with diagonal multiplication i.e 3 by 1 and 2 by 1.

Follow this for more:

Advantages of using this method over the traditional method.

This method is not entirely different than the traditional method. So learning and applying will be easy.

  1. During multiplication, we don’t need to take carriage into account.
  2. No addition during multiplication.
  3. There are fewer chances of silly mistakes in adding and multiplying together.
  4. The only addition we need to do at the last.

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